Motion graphics Bangla Course By Creative It
About The Course
To tell it briefly, motion graphics is the kind of graphics which has motion. For instance, have you seen the movie Avengers: Endgame? Or any other movie for that matter? Have you noticed the starting? There are some graphic images with background music. And from that the word “Marvel” comes on screen. That is the perfect example of motion graphics. This technique is gaining popularity day by day. Because according to a survey by Levels Beyond, 40% of the users prefer watching a video of a product to reading about it and another survey by MIT says that human minds can process a visual information in as little as 13 milliseconds. So it is high time you learned motion graphics.
Updated: 2023
Bangla | Size: 3.65G
Bangla | Size: 3.65G
Creative it er Voice over course and voice of dhaka video edit ai 2 ta course plz upload koren??